What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine focuses on the body's ability to heal itself. A naturopath will use natural methods of treatment to help you heal and maintain optimum health.
As holistic doctors, naturopaths take into consideration not only the symptoms but the whole patient - body, mind, spirit and emotional, to diagnose and treat diseases.
At Waterloo Naturopathic Clinic we integrate traditional medicines as well as western medical diagnostics to treat illness in a non-invasive and safe way, with an emphasis on preventative health.
It is important to note that we are interested in treating you as a unique individual; as a result, treatment plans for each person are different based on each individual's case.
As holistic doctors, naturopaths take into consideration not only the symptoms but the whole patient - body, mind, spirit and emotional, to diagnose and treat diseases.
At Waterloo Naturopathic Clinic we integrate traditional medicines as well as western medical diagnostics to treat illness in a non-invasive and safe way, with an emphasis on preventative health.
It is important to note that we are interested in treating you as a unique individual; as a result, treatment plans for each person are different based on each individual's case.
Diagnosis, Treatments and Monitoring

We offer the following services to all patients of the clinic. They are beneficial for diagnosing, treating, and monitoring acute and chronic illnesses as well as your overall health.
Please check your extended healthcare plan to confirm your coverage details. Laboratory tests requested by naturopathic doctors are not covered by OHIP at this time. Analyses not conducted in-house are performed by accredited laboratories, located within Canada or the United States.
Iridology involves analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of the eye. It is the study that reveals body constitution, inherent weaknesses, and levels of health. The sclera (the white part of the eye) and the retina are also examined for information on the body as a whole.
LifeLabs is used to perform routine medical tests such as, glucose, cholesterol, thyroid function, liver enzymes, Vitamin B12, iron, Vitamin D, etc.
Celiac Biocard Test:
Health Canada-approved, this is a quick, reliable screening for celiac disease performed in-house.
Heavy Metal/Mineral Status:
Using hair, fecal, or urine samples, this test provides a screening tool for determining mineral status and potential heavy metal toxicity.
Hormone Testing:
Through the analysis of saliva and/or blood samples, hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, melatonin, and cortisol can be assessed to aid in menopause, infertility, insomnia, and adrenal function, just to name a few ailments.
IgG/IgE Food Allergy Blood Testing:
Clinically beneficial for most conditions, determining food sensitivities/allergies for an individual can take the guesswork out of dietary restrictions and contribute to overall health.
Please check your extended healthcare plan to confirm your coverage details. Laboratory tests requested by naturopathic doctors are not covered by OHIP at this time. Analyses not conducted in-house are performed by accredited laboratories, located within Canada or the United States.
Iridology involves analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of the eye. It is the study that reveals body constitution, inherent weaknesses, and levels of health. The sclera (the white part of the eye) and the retina are also examined for information on the body as a whole.
LifeLabs is used to perform routine medical tests such as, glucose, cholesterol, thyroid function, liver enzymes, Vitamin B12, iron, Vitamin D, etc.
Celiac Biocard Test:
Health Canada-approved, this is a quick, reliable screening for celiac disease performed in-house.
Heavy Metal/Mineral Status:
Using hair, fecal, or urine samples, this test provides a screening tool for determining mineral status and potential heavy metal toxicity.
Hormone Testing:
Through the analysis of saliva and/or blood samples, hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, melatonin, and cortisol can be assessed to aid in menopause, infertility, insomnia, and adrenal function, just to name a few ailments.
IgG/IgE Food Allergy Blood Testing:
Clinically beneficial for most conditions, determining food sensitivities/allergies for an individual can take the guesswork out of dietary restrictions and contribute to overall health.